Evaluating the impact of summer vacation on the visual acuity of AMD patients treated with ranibizumab

Eye is the official journal of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists. It aims to provide the practising ophthalmologist with information on the latest clinical and laboratory-based research.

Retinal Diseases and Treatments

eyeSmart Program
Click to Read About Macular Degeneration

Click to Read About Diabetic Retinopathy

Click to Read About Floaters and Flashers

Click to Read About Detachment and Tears

Click to Read About Uveitis

Click to Read About Macular Edema

Click to Read About Macular Hole

Click to Read About Macular Pucker


Welcome to a unique online portal for eye healthcare and information.

We offer up to date information about retinal diseases, treatments and research advances for patients, physicians and industry members.

We also offer second opinion services from fellowship trained vitreo-retinal surgeons with extensive clinical and research experience.

Contact us for more information via info@doctorretina.com.

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